Saturday, August 30, 2014

2nd LETTER from the MTC

Hey everyone! Wow, this week really flew by fast for me and the other guys in District 43-B. A lot has happened that I haven't yet had the chance to talk about. So, let us begin, shall we?

First, I had my first Sunday at the MTC this last week. If you think that it wouldn't be a very spiritual experience due to the fact that I practically live and breathe church all day long now, you are badly mistaken. The day started with a Sacrament Meeting presided by the members of our Zone Presidency. Some of the Elders and Sisters were called up to perform musical interlude music, or say one of the prepared talks we were all asked to have ready, just in case someone called on us. Though, the best part of the day was when we listened to a video of a talk Elder Bednar gave to the MTC a few years ago. It explained on what we as missionaries are supposed to do, as well as how to truly go about it; by showing everyone we meet the pure love of Christ; Charity. It was an amazing meeting, and I won't ever forget it.

Throughout the rest of the week we had lessons and Role-playing activities with our teachers, but nothing truly impactful came of it due to the fact that we were all still struggling to know just how to teach. However, the week was not lost, because Elder Noh and myself had an amazing investigator to teach. At the MTC, they have missionaries train by teaching REAL LIVE INVESTIGATORS in the MTC. Our investigator was a man named George Cepull (pronounced like steeple), a 65-year old man who had lost his leg four years back, and had to have a prosthetic leg attachment. We were worried how to teach him, but we didn't need to. Because, the saying they have at the MTC is 'you don't teach George--he teaches you'. And that's just what happened. He talked a little bit, mostly about himself, but when he'd get deep into talking, the spirit poured out of him like it was coming from a fire hose, just gushing and gushing until it filled the room. I have never been so touched by the spirit in my entire LIFE! It was amazing!

Another thing that I've been able to take out of the MTC so far is choir. Elder Noh loves singing, and when he found out the MTC had a choir, he begged me to join so that he could go, too. Begrudgingly (though not really all that begrudgingly) I joined as well. Turns out I'm a Tenor, apparently, and a pretty good one, too. Tenors are good because they can play the middle area, but go High or Low if they need to. It's really cool, also, to sing with all of these worthy young men and women around me, and be able to fill the spirit so strongly as well. It was an amazing experience, once again!

Well, that's all for this week. Just a few days until I leave this place, too...that. Is. Crazy!! Wish me luck in Colorado, everyone! Bye~!


--Elder Zachary Steven Weber


  1. Wow, so good to hear from Zach. He writes just like you were talking to him I feel so great just having read this post. He is where he should be even though he is missed by his family.

  2. Good letter Zack, I'm so glad you're enjoying your sojourn at the MTC.
