Monday, September 22, 2014


Hey everyone!

I'm back, and better than ever, with yet another email installment of just how epic my life is going here in the mission field in Colorado Fort Collins area. I've had a lot of things I've had to do this last week, things that have taken up a lot of time, but we all know how good that is for missionaries like myself. It means that we're actually able to do our jobs! So, how is my mission actually going? Well, let me tell you!

To begin with, I feel like I've forgotten to explain how the missionary schedule goes. Kind of important in knowing how my life is going, right? Well, here it is;
  • 6:30 = Wake up, get showered and dressed for the day ahead.
  • 7:00 = Have breakfast, and relax for a little while, usually still waking up.
  • 8:00 = Personal Study time, with readings from Standard Works, Preach My Gospel, and other Church-based books.
  • 9:00 = Companionship Study time, where we plan out the day and discuss what we learned last hour
  • 11:00 = Lunch time, and listen to talks or music we have on our mp3 players
  • 1:00 = Begin tracting (this usually lasts until about 5:30 in the evening, and is interrupted by talks and break periods when we stop by a member's house, and they practically drag us in for snacks and a break from the baking sun outside)
  • 5:30~6:30 = Dinner, usually at a member's house, where we have a discussion afterword, and ask for referrals
  • 6:30~7:30 = Finish any tracting or appointments we have for the night
  • 9:30 = Go home, plan out day for tomorrow, prepare for bed
  • 10:30 = Lights out, go to bed, repeat process the next morning
So, that's usually how the schedule for us missionaries go. Sometimes, we have appointments that get thrown in, which mixes up the whole deal a bit, but other than that, it doesn't change very much.
However, that's where we get the good news!
I've got my very first REAL investigator! His name is Brian, and he's a friend of someone in the ward. He's been sounding interested in the Gospel, and when we taught him, he at least seemed like he was getting something deeper than theology from what we were saying! I really hope that he decides to follow our suggestions to him, and read the Book of Mormon, because he really does seem like this Gospel could help him out so much! Along with Brian, Elder Proffit and I have been teaching Marylin a little bit further. Her Baptismal date is this Saturday, the 27th, so everyone wish her the best in preparing for this big step on her path towards Eternal Life!
And the good news keeps rolling on! On the day that I had officially been out for one month, I got a package from my mom celebrating my big first month! 23 left to go! It was awesome! Also, I got to teach some of the youth about how to prepare for a mission, both spiritually, and temporally. However, what I stressed most was making memories with your families, because, honestly, I don't think I have enough to last me for two years away from them! So, if any of you have kids getting ready for a mission, remember. MAKE FAMILY FUN TIME!! Because, once they're in their missions, all they'll have is the memories, and they're gonna need all the memories they can have to last the next two years!
Well, that's it for me! Catch you next week!
--Elder Z.S.Weber

1 comment:

  1. Awesome letter. It's so cool for me to be on both sides. My kids came home from the fireside and said he talked about the importance of building family memories.
