Tuesday, August 11, 2015

WEEK 52 - THE WORK and the GLORY

Hey, everyone! Yeah, it's me, Elder Z.S.Weber, here once again with an update on how life is going for us Coal Creek Elders in the Colorado Fort Collins Mission. Another week has come and gone, and Just like last week, it has many highs and lows that appear as blurs in my head. I suppose that's to be expected, though. After all, at the end of this next week, I reach my year-mark. And according to all other missionaries and former missionaries, the second half of the mission goes by the fastest. Of course, that only makes me wonder...the first year went by in a blur...so what will the second year be like?

Anyways, though this week has come and gone faster than the human eye can detect, there were still some great and interesting moments to acknowledge over the week. The first was on Tuesday, when Elder Hale and I went over to EFAA for service. This week's offer was a little different than normal—they wanted us to clear the weeds out of this section of the driveway where kids would ride their bikes and play around, and move a large wooden bench over there for the parents to sit on and keep an eye on their kids. This was the vision...the only problem with it was that we didn't have a bench. Instead, we had a giant flat-topped chest that they had been told was a bench. It still worked, you could sit on it, but there was just this constant worry that a kid would open it, crawl inside, and then get stuck inside of it when someone sat down on it.

This mainly came from the prank I played on the other Elders that came to help. The initial plan was to have me hide in the chest until they came up to sign in for EFAA's service, and then pop out last minute, like a monster in a Halloween a House of Horrors. Instead, the Elders decided to sit down on the top of the chest while they waited to sign in...and, as most of you already know, I don't really have the arm-strength to flip open the lid if a wooden chest and flip the combined weight of two grown men off if it. So, after several failed attempts to push my way out, I was left knocking on the lid of the chest, asking the Elders to get off so that I wouldn't be stuck.

On Wednesday, the District gathered together for another District Meeting. The meeting was mainly planned to be a get-to-know-you for the new Elders in the group, and a planning session to see what all the Elders were expecting for this Transfer. Unfortunately, we got off to a late start because some of the Elders thought that the meeting was later than it actually was. So, to pass the time, Elder Stone at the end if the table started throwing goldfish snacks at everyone in the room, seeing who could catch it in their mouth. One Elder even sat at the very end of the table, his mouth level with the table's surface, and tried to catch crackers that were slid over to him. All in all, it was a very relaxed and refreshing way to start the day.

Finally, on Saturday (sad to say nothing much really happened on Thursday or Friday), Elder Hale and I had our first chance of the Transfer to go to District Leader Council. I hadn't been to one of those since I was companions with Elder Proffit back in my second Transfer...man, does time fly. Speaking of flashes to the past, one of the District Leaders attending the meeting was my former MTC companion, Elder Noh. Crazy. Elder Pratt's a Zone Leader, Elder Noh's a District Leader, and I'm still just a Junior Comp. Not that I'm complaining, or anything. However, anything more I can say about the meeting ended there, as Junior Companions weren't allowed in the meeting. So, I spent the majority of the next hour or so out in the foyer with the other Junior Comps, working on my studies, and maybe writing a bit for one of my stories.

So, yeah, that was my week. Sorry if it isn't all that interesting, not as filled with incredible stories about conversions and teachings. But that's just not the mission my Heavenly Father has sent me out to complete. Right now, I'm doing what o can to clean up this area so that the missionaries that come after me have a better area to work in. I might not be able to do a lot of hands-on teaching here, but I am helping to do God's work, and bless the lives of others. Proof of that came on Wednesday afternoon this week, when I received an email from a family friend, thanking me for the messages I was sharing. It's messages like that that remind me of why I'm still out here, what I'm doing. They help me push forward, because I'm reminded that I'm still doing a great work.

I know that God lives, and that his son is my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that he restored his church to the earth through his prophet, Joseph Smith. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that church, and that it is true. It has been, and still is, led by an ordained prophet of the Lord, who today is Thomas S. Monson. I know this, as clearly as I know myself. I say this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

—Elder Z.S.Weber

Sent from My iPad

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